Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hunted by the ghost of boredom- Hum tum aur ghost!!
Neither it was funny nor scary not even love story types…not an emotional drama too.
Kabeer has tried to put them altogether, and hence the real taste is missing. The storyline lost continuity, so as the humor. The movie starts with a bad note itself.
Seeinng ghosts, being in love with Dia, Sandhya (as a friend), problems of Kapoor, Ali and Carole (the ghosts), the psychiatrist and the nun who gave an angel to Warsi at the end are not able to be linked together to form an understandable storyline.
Sandhya Mridul has been totally wasted in the movie (I wonder why such an actor agreed to do the movie?), Boman is partially wasted (Though one can see his serious attempts to make the movie lively).
Poor songs and poor romance too….
The ghosts are neither funny nor scary and it can not be called a psychological drama either.
Why Arshad why??? Why did u waste so much of money, time, energy and talent?? U deserved a much better script and much better compliments dear….
Well Done Benegal..
Yes, talking about “Well done abba”
The name Shyam Benegal, makes audience expect much more from the movie and he has not disappointed at all.
The simple and neat storyline, evergreen Boman Irani and Benegal on director’s seat altogether have given Indian cinema quite a nice output.
To some, the movie may seem as any serial of Doordarshan, in nineties…but, I bet almost all of us will agree with the serenity of those serials and those were no doubt beautiful.
In the midst of action, horror, torture, boredom love, sex and dhokha a drop of dew is “Well done Abba”.
Movie touches many aspects of society, system and simplicity with a touch of humor. The system can be questioned effectively in a humorous way too, without aggression.
Minisha has done a decent job. Boman as usual is the heart of the movie.
Movie with a message, A MUST WATCH!!
A fresh book and a freshh writer: Pathik's 7 Love Stories
A fresh book on the counters…
“7 love stories in the prime of life”- by Awaneesh Jha popularly known as “Pathik”.
It is compilation of 7 fresh and different love stories. The writer being young deserves a pat on his shoulders for publishing seven books, most of them being critically acclaimed and thoroughly philosophical, at this tender age.
The new one seems a bit lighter in content as well as in expression. It will attract mostly youngsters. The reader would like the simplicity in language and expression.
All the stories in the book are different from each other yet connected through one string i; e. LOVE! That is the beauty of the book.
I am personally very happy with the circulation and response of the book and I wish all the very best to Pathik for his future endeavours.
chalte raho pathik...!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
We all have/had a love story: Ravin too had!!
For People who don’t believe in love and for people who thoroughly believe in love, some way or other, love becomes the vital and only center of existence by DEFAULT!!.
Ravin (the protagonist) never longed for love; he only wanted to get married. Typically, he registered himself in matrimony site. But, ironically, love happened to him and he was so beautifully indulged to the deepest of his heart with KHUSHI, the newfound damp of happiness in his life.
Love happened this way and marriage was on cards.
Life gives unexpected blows at times, especially when u r at the top of anything. Same happened and on that fateful day Khushi left Ravin for ever in a road accident.
The obviously broken and shattered Ravin, finally paid the tribute to his love though the book, the beautiful outcome.
The very reason behind the birth of the book leaves an emotional impact on the reader even before he starts reading the book. That is the deserving boon for the book’s selling.
Simple language and serene expressions glues the reader with the book and Ravinder has been very honest with his narration with the course of incidents.
The book has got a huge fan following, mostly the youngsters who somehow identify themselves with the character, incidents and cute-cozy love story.
On the other side, the narrations and languages could have been lil mature. The story seemed predictable at the end. But being the very first creation of Ravinder, this book deserves applauses and of course a queue of readers awaiting the next one, the sequel…
Of course all wants to know what happened to Ravin after that………..!!??
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Married but Available: A review (अधूरी बातें...;-) )

The observations would have been different other wise as am yet to read the first one of the series “Mediocre but arrogant”. (Would write another piece once m done with the 1st one)
A good work with expressions. Abbey (the Bengali simple middle class) Ayesha (the ultra rich ultra modern Punjabi gal), Abbey (the much satisfied employee of Balwanpur Industries) Ayesha (the ambititous one). Abbey (the second hand maruti car) Ayesha (the Mercedez benz ). Negatives attract but not necessarily that they should stick together forever. That’s how I would explain Abbey-Ayesha relationship. The dilemma of Abbey, an attachment of a middle class boy towards his family & the middle class values he possesses and the struggle to survive a marriage with a ultra rich girl with so much of cultural differences. Ultimately best possible thing happens. They depart.
HR, somehow has been integral part of the book. Abbey’s first job, first difficulties in job, first exposure to ground level work away from books and lectures, management-worker relationship and the role of HR in-between. Dilemmas of workers after the takeover. All well said. You can walk along the characters and feel the ups and downs of their emotions. That makes the reader live the book, not just read the book.Here lies the success of the writer to connect with the reader . Credit all urs Aby..JJ
Abbey’s personal dilemmas, professional dilemmas, asking help from Rascal Rusty, his own fears of loosing the job, comparisons with friends, obsession with designation, putting all together we can actually relate to ourselves. We all go through it, some how or other, some day or other.It symbolises the struggle of a modern youth of INDIA.
Characters like Capt. Sobti, Balwan Singhwe we can see in our life. Just that they can not be loved, can not be hated, just have to be tolerated. Nasha, of course deserves some sympathy.
Finally Keya,
Keya, the unpredictable, is ofcourse my another reason of biasness towards the book. She resembles a self that’s the closest to mine. The character has lots of shades. The lovely Keya, the lover Keya, the loved Keya, the ultra romatic Keya, the mad Keya, the jealous Keya, the strong Keya and finally the enlightened Keya. Her charm, madness, poetry, expression of feelings, confidence, taj in moon light, makes the reader fall in love with her again and again. She has always been the strength for Abbey. Lucky Abbey JJJ. She left Abbey, for the search within…it did not leave Abbey angry, unhappy or devastated, but just that he decided to wait…may be just coz he loved her, he respected her and moreover he understood her.
To make the already long note short, I say a simple way of writing without much of heaviness, yet meaningful…reader’s delight as most of the readers can relate themselves to the protagonist or any of the characters.…A good book for youths…nice work overall!!!!